If the interviewer opts to reschedule your interview on the spot, be sure to remember to thank them for their flexibility and understanding. Hiring managers and recruiters are busy people, and the more notice you can give, the better. Contact the employer or recruiter by telephone ASAP to let them know you can't make your scheduled time. It's poor practice to cancel an interview at the last minute if it can be avoided. It's likely the canceled appointment will come up at your next meeting. Tip: Remember, honesty is the best policy. Another job interview–tread carefully–you never know who knows who in your industry.Bailing to attend another event (concert, opening day, etc.).On the other hand, some excuses probably won't be acceptable to the employer and, if you’re canceling for one of these, you might not be invited to a rescheduled interview time. After all, they've probably run into conflicts in their own lives. Most interviewers will be understanding if your reason is valid. If you have a legitimate excuse for rescheduling, you don't have to share too much information about an illness or family emergency. Commitments at your current job (you can try to spin this one as a positive to demonstrate you’re a responsible employee).You or your child is ill (they'll be grateful you didn't bring germs to their workspace).Reasons most interviewers will forgive include: If you're looking for a second chance, you'll want to be sure your explanation is a justifiable one. Consider Your Reasonīefore you cancel, it's a good idea to carefully consider why you can't make the appointment. It goes without saying you should apologize and be gracious, but if you're wondering what else you should you do when seeking to reschedule an interview with a hiring manager or recruiter, read on. That being said, if you don't handle the situation well, your chances of getting the job are certainly going to suffer. Needing to reschedule does put you at a disadvantage, but it doesn't automatically remove you from consideration. Trying to get a job interview is difficult enough, and finding you have to unexpectedly cancel the meeting is an awkward conundrum.